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My Start in the Journey of Farm life

Dear Readers,

I apologize for not posting more regularly. I have been quite busy this year, and posting has been set aside for far to long. To update you in the most recent doings of my life, I have been able to graduate from High School, by the grace of God, and am hoping to graduate from piano in the next month or so.

 For quite some time, I have been hoping to begin a new chapter in my life and start a bit of farming. I believed that to farm you must have a fair amount of land and be located deep in the country. Boy, was I wrong! After much reading and researching, I was convinced that I could begin my dream of having a farm on our small acre. Although I won't be able to have to many animals, I believe having chickens will suppress the urge to get a cow.... for now. :)

A few month ago I was able to talk my parents into allowing me to get chickens. I honestly didn't have any clue of how to go about purchasing and finding the best breed. But a few wonderful friends helped me and gave me much advice during the process. I ordered 15 female Black Australorp chicks from Murray Mc'Murray Hatchery and they gave me 1 special breed for free. They arrived about 4 days later and it was love at first sight! Being able to teach them how to drink and eat was very interesting and they learned very quickly.

We couldn't distinguish one chick from the other except for the special breed who we named Sarah and one cute, fat one with a whitish head who we named M&M. 

The chicks are only 21 days old and yet they are growing at an incredibly fast pace and becoming rather rebellious. It's been quite the chore having to clean their water and food multiple times a day, but I am beginning to enjoy it immensely. 

Their not the cute fluff balls anymore but their still entertaining to watch. They have been testing their wings out and I've had an escapee but we were able to catch her without to much trouble. :)

Sarah is the most curious and loves getting all the attention and being in the way when your trying to clean after them. ;)

I have, in recent years, discovered the joy of  gardening and this year decided to have a bigger garden although it ended up being much bigger than I anticipated . It took much planning and researching but I enjoyed every minute it! A wonderful organic vegetable and flower store opened on the street next to us and I was able to talk with the owner and become wonderful friends with her. She was a great help in planning my garden! 

We put deer wire around the garden to keep the hungry animals out and so far it has done wonderfully! I decided to have the chicken coop made near the garden so the chickens would help with bugs. Again, God sent friends to help with providing material for this, and Jared and I built it. It's a bit off square but I think it's adorable. 

My mother has been wanting to get some organic blueberry bushes so I got two young bushes and surprisingly one of the bushes is yielding a handful of blueberries! 

My cucumbers are doing wonderfully and I'm hoping Bess will teach me how to make pickles this year!

 The banana peppers are looking very healthy! 

It's my first time planting green peppers but they seem to be doing just fine! 

My Friend at the plant store suggested 6 different kinds of tomatoes so I will be harvesting quite the variety of tomatoes. I love these yellows tomatoes! I would give you the name but I don't remember! I'll have to work on improving my memory! ;)

I've been putting organic egg shells and coffee grounds in the garden around certain plants for compost. It seems to be helping! I have many more plants that I could talk about but time would tell me to wait for another post. 

I hope you have enjoyed this small tour of my garden and reading about the chicks as much as I have enjoyed writing about it. I hope to post a little more often than before but you know how life gets! If you have any tips and advice about gardening or chickens please leave a comment! 

Your Friend,


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